title & Author |
2023-05-04 |
MARK 10:13 |
Blessings Through Laying Of Hands
Sr. Bindhu Regi Aymanam
dd/Bindhu130 Mark 10-13 20190712 blessings through laying of hands.pdf
130 |
2023-05-05 |
PSALM 144:001 |
Do The Good Fight And Be Victorious
Sr. Ashwathy Binu Ettumanoor
dd/Ashwathy052 Psalm 144-01.pdf
52 |
2023-05-06 |
1 PETER 05:06 |
Stay Firm In Faith
Sr. Bindhu Regi Aymanam
dd/Bindhu131 1Peter5-6 Stay firm in faith 20190718.pdf
131 |
2023-05-07 |
ZECHARIAH 07:09-10 |
Be In Constant Relationship With God
Br. Binu Baby Alleppey
dd/Binu037 Zech 7-9-10.pdf
37 |
2023-05-08 |
EZEKIEL 33:12 |
Live In Righteousness
Sr. Neenu Binu Baby Alleppey
dd/Neenu056 Ezekiel 33-12 live in rightieousness 20180219.pdf
56 |
2023-05-09 |
JONAH 04:06 |
Temporary Shades
Sr. Joyce John Thonniyamala
dd/Joyce John002 jonah 4-6.pdf
2 |
2023-05-10 |
Gift Of God
Br. Toby Abraham Chengannur
dd/TobyAC001 Eph 2-8 Gift Of God 20210125.pdf
1 |
2023-05-11 |
JEREMIAH 05:22 |
God Who Sets Boundaries Around And Protects You
Sr. Ashwathy Binu Ettumanoor
dd/Ashwathy053 jer 5-22.pdf
53 |
2023-05-12 |
ACTS 03:16 |
Jesus Who Delivers Strength
Sr. Bindhu Regi Aymanam
dd/Bindhu 132 Acts 3-16 Jesus who delivers strength 20190719.pdf
132 |
2023-05-13 |
1 JOHN 02:05-06 |
Living In Christ
Br. Binu Baby Alleppey
dd/Binu038 1jn 2-5-6 Living In Christ.pdf
38 |
2023-05-14 |
Be Thankful
Sr. Neenu Binu Baby Alleppey
dd/Neenu057 1Thessa 5-18 be thankful 20180224.pdf
57 |
2023-05-15 |
1 SAMUEL 01:11 |
Open Up Your Heart
Sr. Joyce John Thonniyamala
dd/Joyce John003 1sam 1-11.pdf
3 |
2023-05-16 |
JOHN 15:13 |
No Love - No Gain
Br. Toby Abraham Chengannur
dd/TobyAC002 Jn 15-13 No Love No gain 20210204.pdf
2 |
2023-05-17 |
EZEKIEL 36:08 |
One Who Gives Blessings in Abundance
Sr. Feby Mariam Vinodh Kayamkulam
dd/FebyMVK001 Ezekial 36-8 Blessings in Abundance 20210201.pdf
1 |
2023-05-18 |
JOHN 11:20 |
Always Be Humble
Sr. Ashwathy Binu Ettumanoor
dd/Ashwathy054 john 11-20.pdf
54 |
2023-05-19 |
1 PETER 02:03 |
You have tasted that the Lord is good
Sr. Bindhu Regi Aymanam
dd/Bindhu001 1pet 2-3.pdf
1 |
2023-05-20 |
MALACHI 03:07 |
Return To Me
Br. Binu Baby Alleppey
dd/Binu039 mal 3-7.pdf
39 |
2023-05-21 |
PSALM 004:007 |
Real Joy
Sr. Neenu Binu Baby Alleppey
dd/Neenu058 ps 4-7 real joy 20180321.pdf
58 |
2023-05-22 |
1 TIMOTHY 06:06 |
Be Contented
Sr. Joyce John Thonniyamala
dd/Joyce John004 1tim 6-6.pdf
4 |
2023-05-23 |
JOHN 15:16 |
True Light
Br. Toby Abraham Chengannur
dd/TobyAC003 Jn 15-16 True Light 20210212.pdf
3 |